Gaskets and seals are the perfect solution for many applications. Nowadays, ensuring food is safe to eat is more important than ever. To meet standards and avoid making people ill, a lot goes on that we don’t see–including the vital part played by seals and gaskets. If you work in the food industry, you’ll want to know all about HACCP and FDA regulations: this article focuses on them. Find out how choosing the right seals and gaskets can help keep food safe and the hygiene issues and materials you need to consider. Plus, we’ll explore how Tehnoguma’s food technology products can help make sure your firm complies with safety rules–right up to the minute.

Gaskets and seals, besides the food industry, are applicable in the mining industry, ergonomics technologies, roller technologies, the automotive industry, which are the fundamentals, and more. Let’s go through the details and discover how to choose the best for the best results.

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Understanding Food Safety Regulations for Stronger Defenses 

To ensure food safety, many regulations must be followed. Two of the most important ones work as your first line of defense:

  • Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points (HACCP): This system is known worldwide. Almost 200 countries use it because they want to be proactive about ensuring what they eat won’t make them sick. HACCP says you have to look at every part of how food is made–including things like germs or chemicals that might get on it while being grown or packaged. Those points where this could happen are called “Critical Control Points.” At those times, one must check that nothing dangerous has come into contact with the food by mistake—gaskets and seals do this job well.
  • The U. S. Food & Drug Administration’s rules on Food Contact Substances (FCS): The FDA has a lot of power. It makes sure items that touch our food do not transfer harmful chemicals via the packaging onto things people will eat or drink. Any product that fails these guidelines may be subject to recalls plus fines—and suffer lasting harm to its reputation.

If you understand what both organizations require; then you are taking initial steps towards selecting appropriate seals/gaskets for your firm’s processing activities. This means much more than “just” obeying laws designed to promote public well-being whilst enjoying commercial success—it shows consumers they can rely upon products from your house!

Choosing the Right Materials for Gaskets and Seals Food-Safety 

In food processing, nothing is more important than ensuring the materials you use to make seals and gaskets are safe. Getting it wrong puts consumers at risk – fortunately, there’s lots of advice available about how best to get it right. 

  • Chemical resistance: Any compound coming into contact with processed edibles must also be resistant to the cleaning agents used on equipment afterward otherwise it might degrade and contaminate the food the next time it’s used. No seal or gasket material should react with either; if they did the taste or composition of foods would alter potentially dangerously. 
  • Heat resistance: Having products that can cope with extremes of temperature is vital in commercial cookery. Think blast freezer seals or pasteurization unit gaskets. Silicone performs well here as does Nitrile but each at different ends(low-temperature flexibility versus ability to remain stable when hot). 
  • Impermeability: ‘Nothing goes in nothing out’ is a good rule to remember regarding water vapor gases when sealing two areas from each other. If for example fluids could cross from an area requiring sterile conditions into one that doesn’t simply because your chosen to seal material wasn’t up to the job you’d be in trouble compliance plus peace of mind. The last thing any producer wants to realize after goods have left the factory/restaurant is they contain traces harmful chemical Bret phenol–A. This substance used in making some (non-food grade) plastics has been linked to health issues in fetuses and infants. 
  • Compliance: The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has strict guidelines for materials that touch food directly. You’ll want to use gaskets and seals with certifications such as 21 CFR 177. 2600 (for rubber articles used over and over) or usage regulations like 21 CFR 175. 300 (for elastomers used in hot-fill bottling). Choosing materials that comply with FDA rules can give you peace of mind because they meet some of the world’s highest standards for food safety.

Selecting these materials means thinking carefully about these factors and how well they match up with what happens in your specific food processing. Don’t be afraid to ask experts in material science or talk to a reputable seal-and-gasket maker for advice. Remember: Picking the right ones isn’t just about making a good product but also investing in long-term safety from recalls and consumer lawsuits along with success as a business overall! We suggest you go through our previous article which will give you a representation of the wide application of gaskets and sealants and the different industries they can be applied: Rubber Gasket Sealants: The Perfect Solution for Many Use Cases.

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Types of Food-Safe Gaskets and Seals Materials

After considering the important factors for choosing food-safe gasket and seal materials, let’s take a closer look at some of the leading contenders:


Because of its unique properties, silicone is considered the best food-safe gasket material:

  • Chemical Resistance: one thing that makes silicone so safe for use with food is its amazing resistance to chemicals. It can be exposed to many types of foods without degrading–from oily meats and dairy products to acidic fruits & vegetables (or vice versa)–making it an excellent choice for various applications in food processing. 
  • Temperature Tolerance: Silicone also boasts impressive temperature tolerance: typically performing well between -60°C (-76°F) and +230°C (446°F). This means silicone seals excel not just where there are extremes of heat such as being close by during sterilization or on equipment used in aseptic packaging, but also at colder temperatures like those found close to frozen foods.
  • Low Permeability: Something else that is great about using this material around foodstuffs is that it has very low permeability for both gases & liquids. So they don’t move through into different foods nearby–important because if oxygen gets alongside items then quality can deteriorate rapidly–and nor does their own aroma/taste escape into the atmosphere; which could happen if molecules could pass out through seals, etc.
  • Applications: For all these reasons combined silicone rubber products are often the preferred choice when dealing specifically with sterile items like those involved in aseptic processes (packaging without any germs coming in contact during filling) along with seals for machinery carrying such goods over long distances.

Silicone is widely used in applications that require sterile food processing — especially aseptic packaging, which must be germ-free. Silicone seals are also common on equipment that moves such packaged food to ensure these products reach their destination safely along complex supply routes.

EPDM (Ethylene Propylene Diene Monomer)

Even though it is not as flexible as silicone, EPDM (Ethylene Propylene Diene Monomer) has a special talent: it can cope with being exposed to water or steam. For this reason, EPDM is the first choice for many jobs in places where food is made.

  • Water & Steam Resistance: If you need seals that will carry on keeping water, steam, etc away day after day then one option worth considering is EPDM. 
  • Applications: EPDM gaskets and seals have multiple uses in food processing applications, especially those that involve exposure to water or steam. They are commonly found in bottling lines, food storage containers, and equipment used for washing and blanching fruits and vegetables. 

EPDM gaskets and seals do particularly well in places where equipment gets regularly washed down; where there’s a lot of moisture in the air; or in processes that use steam for sterilization or cooking. They can withstand being in water or steam so often that these parts carry on working properly much longer than those made from other materials–which makes them crucial indeed.

Nitrile Rubber (NBR) 

In the realm of handling greasy and rough tasks within the food industry, nitrile rubber is the champion. Its remarkable resistance to both oil and grease renders it ideal when machines come into contact with fatty or oily foodstuffs during processing–things like seeds, nuts, and meats.

  • Oil and Grease Resistance: for resistance to greases and oils, nitrile rubber is the top performer. This is why it is often used with fatty or oily foods – things like processing nuts, seeds, meats, and so on.
  • Abrasion Resistance: On top of its ability to repel oil, nitrile rubber also has good resistance against abrasions. This makes it useful when gaskets and seals are used repeatedly or under rough conditions.
  • Temperature Range: Nitrile rubber usually works well between -40°C (-40°F) and +100°C (212°F). This range isn’t as broad as silicone’s but is still good for many food-processing applications.
  • Applications: Nitrile rubber gaskets and seals can be found in machinery that processes oily foods like fryers, meat grinders, and oil transfer lines. They also work well in equipment that deals with a lot of abrasion such as dough handlers and mixers. 

Manufactured items (such as seals or gaskets) fashioned from nitrile rubber will not only safeguard products from both oil breakdown and contamination, but they are also found throughout machinery used to process such foods: think oil transfer lines, meat grinders, and fryers. These seals and gaskets do well in this type of environment for another reason too: they are tough cookies and resist abrasion very effectively. This is why people making dough or operating industrial mixers also turn to nitrile rubber for their various needs. When equipment runs smoothly time after time, businesses can operate both effectively and efficiently essential facets of remaining competitive within today’s marketplace!

Keep in mind that there are more food-safe seal and gasket materials available than those listed here. The best option for your needs will depend on factors already discussed: the kinds of foodstuffs with which you are working, plus any temperature or chemical constraints. Get more details info by contacting our experts so you can make an informed decision for the best results possible.

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Hygiene Considerations in Maintaining Food Safety 

Keeping food processing areas clean is just as important as the materials you choose. Find out below how gaskets and seals can help—and why they’re a key part of your hygiene arsenal. 

  • Smooth Operators: Germs love to hide out on rough surfaces, but not so much on sleek ones that don’t have any tiny holes for them to nestle into. That’s why gaskets and seals need to be made from materials with non-porous finishes. These types of smooth surfaces can be cleaned more easily (either manually or with the use of CIP systems), so there’s less chance of bugs such as Salmonella lingering around after your routine wash-down. Studies have shown that even invisible blemishes on a seal’s exterior could contain millions of microbial cells. 
  • Tighten Up Your Act: If dirt, water droplets, or microbes manage to get past seals they’ll end up inside machinery used to process food–which could potentially contaminate items being made there (think powdered infant formula with dangerous levels of Cronobacter). By forming an effective barrier against such substances gaskets reduce this risk considerably; meaning both finished products and different batches don’t become cross-infected. You don’t have to be a germaphobe to appreciate hygiene. 
  • Appropriate measures: measures taken throughout the production process are vital to reduce instances where customers fall ill after eating something harmful; If you have ever suffered from food poisoning, then you will understand exactly why efforts to combat germs should not finish once ingredients have been cooked. 

And while there is no need to start bleaching floors like Lady Macbeth, it does make sense to remember those who died from kidney failure after munching contaminated watermelon.

Look for gaskets and seals that are simple to replace

Make things simple for your production facility by following these tips:

  • Cleaning: Make sure all parts are thoroughly clean -; including seals; before every job begins; may seem like stating obvious. But overlooked steps can prove extremely costly terms both time and money.
  • Simplicity: Complicated seal designs can provide hiding places for bacteria that are difficult to reach during routine cleaning procedures;
  • Surfaces: Don’t forget these surfaces are only one type within an industrial setting kept in tip-top condition by regular maintenance. Others might include painted areas of steelwork both requiring different treatment protection against wear and tear corrosion, etc. 

Helpful hints on this subject can be obtained via our website where all the info you need will be broken down into easy terms and explanations.

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Tehnoguma’s Food Tech Gaskets And Seals Solutions

Building an effective food safety system requires more than just top-notch ingredients. At Tehnoguma, we know that gaskets and seals are often overlooked even though they are critical to keeping your food processing safe. This is why we offer many different food-grade seals and gaskets—they meet the strict standards required for food industry use.

Our commitment to your food safety success includes:

Our primary goal is to reach the ultimate product quality and customer satisfaction we focus on:

  • FDA-Compliant Materials: We also make sure our materials follow all relevant FDA regulations about FCS (Food Contact Substances). By using various thermoplastics and elastomers, we can stop harmful chemicals from getting into your food from the packaging; this makes it even safer for consumers.
  • Application-Specific Expertise: Our specialists don’t just know a lot about these products – they understand what people need when working with them too! For example, there may be factors like how hot something has to be heated up or cooled down for processing; if there are acids in foods being processed along with it; plus whether those meals come as liquids/solids/pastes – each factor needing its kind sealant material. 

With such information at hand specialists here can recommend exactly which type would work best under specific conditions—something very valuable not only because of performance but also for safety reasons.

Customizable Options Benefits

If you have ever thought “I wish could find someone who understood my problems better than me so they could do things right the first time around” then look no further. When you partner with Tehnoguma for food-grade gaskets and seals, you enjoy many advantages:

  • Peace of mind: Tehnoguma’s products meet the strictest food safety standards. This means you can concentrate on creating great food without worrying about whether your equipment is up to scratch.
  • Reduced risk of contamination: Our high-performance gaskets and seals don’t just do their job well–they also help prevent outbreaks of food-borne illnesses. By reducing this risk, they safeguard both your customers’ health and your reputation.
  • Improved process efficiency: Things like seals breaking or gaskets failing can bring an entire production line to a halt. Because we make our products to last, however, this happens far less often if you use Tehnoguma items throughout your plant.
  • Enhanced product quality: A food item’s taste (and therefore its appeal) can be compromised if it doesn’t stay where it’s supposed to be while being made. Gaskets and seals are there for containment; to stop this from occurring. 

If you want consumers to enjoy what leaves your factory in the same condition as when it was boxed up, then look no further…To find out more please contact us – let one of our experts explain how having access via partnership arrangements could benefit you too! Create safer supply chains alongside others. 


There is a constant war going on all around us that no one can see. However, using gaskets and seals that are safe for food makes it easier to fight. When Technogym provides these solutions it helps build up trust from buyers whilst at the same time ensuring rules are met–so why not make sure your company stays ahead with their help?

Still you want to know more and maybe have questions don’t hesitate to contact our expert support team and get your answers today. We also advise our members to keep an eye on our news section on industrial rubber so they can get informed on time with the latest advancements, discoveries, and standards. You will also want to browse our markets and services area and see what we can cover for your business i.e. industry.